Coral Strand Hotel Coral Strand Hotel
отель "Корал Стрэнд" на пляже Бо Валлон
Curieuse Coast Curieuse Coast
На побережье острова Курьез

by Raymond Sahuquet
Denis Island Denis Island
На острове Денис
Eden Island Eden Island
На острове Иден
Felicite Felicite
у острова Фелисите
Helicopter Helicopter
Вертолет над Ля-Дигом by Raymond Sahuquet
House at Au Cap House at Au Cap
Дом в районе Au Cap
Landing in Paradise Landing in Paradise
Посадка в раю
Le Meridien Barbarons Le Meridien Barbarons
Меридиен Барбарон отель
Le Relax, Mahe Le Relax, Mahe
отель Релакс на Маэ
Local Fruits Local Fruits
Фрукты by Raymond Sahuquet
Maia Hotel Maia Hotel
В отеле "Майя"
North Island North Island
Остров Норд
Paradise Sun Hotel Paradise Sun Hotel
отель Парадайз Сан
Paraside Sun, Praslin Paraside Sun, Praslin
у отеля Парадайз Сан на острове Праслин
Patatran Village Patatran Village
Пататран, Ля Диг
Port Victoria Port Victoria
Порт Виктория
Rain and pleasure Rain and pleasure
Дождь и наслаждение
Seychelles Seychelles
Seychelles Seychelles
Сейшельские острова

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Our motto is "Do things in Seychelles as thorough as we do for ourselves"

Holidays in Seychelles. Travelling at an affordable price with a personal touch.

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Complete and reliable information on hotels and beaches in Seychelles.

Excursions, fishing, diving, snorkeling, hiking, helicopter tours, walks by the sea on boats and yachts.

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We avoid the standard approach, lists of services and attractions that are offered to everybody.

Information about Seychelles

Complete and practical information about Seychelles, news, useful links, legends and facts.

According to legend the paradise was here…In Seychelles you can see where Adam and Eve were living,

Ideal climate all year round, emerald, bright turquoise expanse of the Indian Ocean, white sand, amazing natural world.

Here you can easily find a place where you will be in total privacy
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