10.08.13 New tourism project for Bel Ombre’s treasure heritage site

The Seychelles Heritage Foundation and its parent ministry, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, are working on finalising the lease of a plot of land on the reclaimed land at Bel Ombre facing the treasure prospecting site for the development of a cultural tourism project.

In February 2012, the Seychelles Heritage Foundation launched a tender to invite interested persons to submit project proposals related to the historical significance of the treasure site.  
Bel Ombre has an active treasure digging site which is under the management of John Cruise Wilkin.

It was Mr Cruise Wilkin senior, Reginald Herbert Cruise Wilkin who had originally instigated the digging of the treasure site at Bel Ombre.

Today this site, its ruins and the treasure markings have become a national heritage site in its own right. Prospecting works are ongoing on the site with treasure digging operations, but visitors are also able to access the site and walk through the tunnels and caves on programmed tours by Mr Wilkin.

The new selected tourism development project for the site adjacent to the treasure site at Bel Ombre has been proposed by the Bel Ombre Tourist Development. It entails the construction of a replica of the famous vessel La Vierge Du Cap presumed to have been captured by the famous pirate La Buse.  Once constructed, the vessel, with its impressive architectural design, is set to become a major tourist attraction and this new development will further diversify cultural tourism attractions in Seychelles.  

"Cultural tourism is educative, it is entertaining and it provides a new perspective and stimulating experience to both local and foreign visitors. The Bel Ombre pirate’s ship project has already received Seychelles Investment Board's approval while its concept has also been approved by the Planning Authority. The promoters will now move to submit detailed plans for planning approval. The Seychelles Heritage Foundation is at the same time preparing a long-term lease agreement for the land,” said Tourism and Culture Minister Alain St Ange.

This development falls well within the mandate of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation and is aimed at promoting and preserving a cultural heritage site with particular significance to heritage or cultural tourism.

The Bel Ombre treasure heritage site is one of four heritage sites in Seychelles being managed by the foundation.

As is the case with other heritage sites, the Seychelles Heritage Foundation invited interested and potential investors to take part in the redevelopment initiative for the Bel Ombre project.

It is the foundation's desire to see the private sector play an important role in the conservation of heritage properties and in promoting heritage tourism. This approach ensures greater private, public and community involvement in the development of cultural and heritage sites through the principle of shared responsibility.

The Bel Ombre proposed project with a replica of the impressive ship once completed will offer museum exhibitions, restaurants and bar services. On the dock, where the new ship will sit, the local artisans will also get the opportunity to display and sell their craft products. It will also provide for additional cultural and heritage attractions and services for visitors and the general public.

Minister St Ange visited the site on Thursday August 2, 2013 accompanied by Seychelles Heritage Foundation chief executive Patrick Nanty, the promoters and other officials of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and of the Seychelles Heritage Foundation to formally make the announcement about Bel Ombre Tourist Development’s successful bid.
Minister St Ange welcomed the project which he said will enhance the cultural heritage landscape of Seychelles.


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