Unique property at Beau Vallon with project consisting of 21 apartments of 122 m2 each

Земельный участок у Бо Валлона с готовым проектом на строительство 21 апартамента
Land of 11,090 m2 and a project.

Access road, accessibility to electricity and public sewage system.
Several natural springs are in this area.

Incredible view, on the bay of Beau Vallon, Silhouette Island and North Island, as the land starts at 140 metres to 200 metres +,  above sea level.

The public road is reaching the lower part of the land.

Quite recently a public sewage system has been installed and the project can branch its piping system into the public service.

A project of development has been established in close communication with the different relevant authorities.

The project is going to be presented to the Planning Authorities to obtain a Outline Planning Permission;
thereafter, the developer will be able to do the amendments he/she wishes to the project before finalizing the detailed plans.

Well reputed land surveyor and engineer worked out a way for an internal road, and for locating the different buildings in such a way that everyone enjoys a sea view. Their second goal was the respect of the natural beauty of the boulders and rocks structure, quite unique in this world.

Note that the present plans have been based on 21 apartments of 122 m2 each, all being two bedrooms accommodations, but the developer can decide to change the number of apartments and can vary the number of the bedrooms.

Significant site preparation had been done with even the pegging of the location of the internal road.

Beau Vallon remains the heart of the tourism activities in Seychelles.

This property located in Beau Vallon, combines the beauty of the pristine environment, the rich and untouched mother nature (nice rocks), the quiet aspect of the mountain and though the relative proximity to the sea. You may enjoy 2 or 3 degrees less than along the coast due to the altitude, and in the time of global warming, it is a pleasant advantage of the property. 

The asking price has been set up at 1,100,000 Euros or equivalent.












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